News • 16 May 2022

Scottish Affairs Committee visits H100 Fife

Cross-party group of five MPs meet us in Levenmouth

The Scottish Affairs Committee which includes Scottish Conservative Party leader Douglas Ross,visited our H100 Fife project in Levenmouth.

We welcomed them at Fife Renewables Innovation Centre (FRIC) with our project partner Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC). OREC own the Levenmouth turbine in Fife Energy Park which will produce the wind energy for our project.

Douglas Ross MP, Craig McCafferty (SGN), Wendy Chamberlain MP, Sally-Ann Hart MP, Pete Wishart MP, Mhairi Black MP, Joss Clark (SGN) and David Wallace (OREC)
Douglas Ross MP, Craig McCafferty (SGN), Wendy Chamberlain MP, Sally-Ann Hart MP, Pete Wishart MP, Mhairi Black MP, Joss Clark (SGN) and David Wallace (OREC)

The committee heard from SGN experts Joss Clarke, Craig McCafferty and Fergus Tickell. They discussed the challenge to decarbonise heat and H100 Fife’s role in helping the UK Government decide on hydrogen in 2026. They also found out about all the hydrogen projects we’re involved in across Great Britain (including our accelerated pathway for Scotland).

Next, the MPs visited OREC’s wind turbine and stood on its base platform underneath the blades. The weather was terribly wet and windy for May, but our visitors really enjoyed the trip and saw first-hand the potential for offshore wind in Scotland.

In the afternoon, Angus McIntosh (SGN) and David Wallace (OREC) gave evidence in the Select Committee hearing. They both did a great job answering questions on a range of topics including safety, hydrogen production and converting homes to hydrogen.

Later, in September, we welcomed another group of important and influential politicians keen to find out about the project. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Pat McFadden MP and Shadow Scotland Secretary Ian Murray got to visit Fife Energy Park this time – luckily the weather was much nicer.